News and Updates
Athletics Commitment Program
Inter School Primary Sports
Dates for Sport Events - Due to the impact of COVID - 19 many sporting events will be postponed or cancelled.
SPORTING DATES FOR 2020 - amended
***All Primary (10 -12yrs) will start at Emerald District level.
***All Secondary trials (13yrs - upwards) will start at the Central Highlands level.
CH = Central Highlands District CAP = Capricornia District ED = Emerald District
Sport Trial Age Date
ED Cross Country 10-12 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
ECC Swimming Carnival 10+yrs (Born 2010 upwards) JNR Thurs 26th NOVEMBER
SNR (10+) Fri 27th NOVEMBER
CH Cross Country 10-19 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
CAP Cross Country 10-19 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
ECC Track and Field 10-19 yrs 16-17th JULY
ED Track & Field 10-12 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
CH Track & Field 10-19 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
CAP Track and Field 10-19 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
ECC Jnr Cross Country Years 1 to 9 years of age Term 3 - TBA
ECC Jnr Track & Field Years 1 to 9 years of age Term 3 - TBA
No Representative Award Night for 2020 - recognition will be given during other Awards Ceremonies
***All Primary (10 -12yrs) will start at Emerald District level.
***All Secondary trials (13yrs - upwards) will start at the Central Highlands level.
CH = Central Highlands District CAP = Capricornia District ED = Emerald District
Sport Trial Age Date
ED Cross Country 10-12 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
ECC Swimming Carnival 10+yrs (Born 2010 upwards) JNR Thurs 26th NOVEMBER
SNR (10+) Fri 27th NOVEMBER
CH Cross Country 10-19 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
CAP Cross Country 10-19 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
ECC Track and Field 10-19 yrs 16-17th JULY
ED Track & Field 10-12 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
CH Track & Field 10-19 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
CAP Track and Field 10-19 yrs 2020 CANCELLED
ECC Jnr Cross Country Years 1 to 9 years of age Term 3 - TBA
ECC Jnr Track & Field Years 1 to 9 years of age Term 3 - TBA
No Representative Award Night for 2020 - recognition will be given during other Awards Ceremonies
Update as of 3rd July 2020
Information from Emerald Touch Association - there will be no 2020 Primary Inter-school Touch Football Competition.
Emerald Athletics will not be holding a season in 2020 - if you require a refund please contact Lari Simpson (Mrs S) from Week 2 Term 3 for further information.
CAP/CH/ED SPORTS - there will be no Track and Field or Cross Country Events for 2020.
Information from Emerald Touch Association - there will be no 2020 Primary Inter-school Touch Football Competition.
Emerald Athletics will not be holding a season in 2020 - if you require a refund please contact Lari Simpson (Mrs S) from Week 2 Term 3 for further information.
CAP/CH/ED SPORTS - there will be no Track and Field or Cross Country Events for 2020.
Latest CAP Sport Update as at 5 May:
“At this stage the cancellation of representative school sport is in place until 30 June. There is NO national program and therefore NO state teams selected in 2020.
As RSSO’s we have been working on different pathways forward for the return of representative school sport. Ultimately, it will be the decision and advice from central office around the start back date and social distancing conditions required. I understand that questions from schools etc. have been around Track & Field especially.
It is our hope and wish that we will be able to continue with sports including T&F in semester 2 but again we will be directed as to the conditions. This will impact sports such as Track & Field who have large numbers attending a state championship.
We also understand that the process for any sport from school, district, region to state championships takes time (8 weeks approx.).
· CHSS Levy and Apparel orders received to date that have had the School Sport pathway altered (NO CAP trial due to COVID-19), CHSS will initiate the refund process. Offering students/parents/caregivers the opportunity to keep apparel ordered and paid for. PLEASE NOTE REFUND FORMS WILL BE EMAILED TO SCHOOL ADMIN STAFF AND IS THE ONLY OPTION TO ACTION REFUNDS. The monies held are CHSS funds until refund details are approved, received/processed.
“At this stage the cancellation of representative school sport is in place until 30 June. There is NO national program and therefore NO state teams selected in 2020.
As RSSO’s we have been working on different pathways forward for the return of representative school sport. Ultimately, it will be the decision and advice from central office around the start back date and social distancing conditions required. I understand that questions from schools etc. have been around Track & Field especially.
It is our hope and wish that we will be able to continue with sports including T&F in semester 2 but again we will be directed as to the conditions. This will impact sports such as Track & Field who have large numbers attending a state championship.
We also understand that the process for any sport from school, district, region to state championships takes time (8 weeks approx.).
· CHSS Levy and Apparel orders received to date that have had the School Sport pathway altered (NO CAP trial due to COVID-19), CHSS will initiate the refund process. Offering students/parents/caregivers the opportunity to keep apparel ordered and paid for. PLEASE NOTE REFUND FORMS WILL BE EMAILED TO SCHOOL ADMIN STAFF AND IS THE ONLY OPTION TO ACTION REFUNDS. The monies held are CHSS funds until refund details are approved, received/processed.
As @ 5th April 2020
Important notice: All representative school sport cancelled until 30 June 2020.
Given the recent advice provided by Queensland Health and the Australian Government with respect to containment of COVID-19, a decision has been made that cancellation of all representative school sport events will continue until 30 June 2020.
The representative school sport program includes district, regional, state, national, interstate and international competitions.
Please ensure that you have cancelled all bookings associated with representative school sport events made for this time period.
The department will continue to provide ongoing communication as Australia's response to COVID-19 evolves.
Important notice: All representative school sport cancelled until 30 June 2020.
Given the recent advice provided by Queensland Health and the Australian Government with respect to containment of COVID-19, a decision has been made that cancellation of all representative school sport events will continue until 30 June 2020.
The representative school sport program includes district, regional, state, national, interstate and international competitions.
Please ensure that you have cancelled all bookings associated with representative school sport events made for this time period.
The department will continue to provide ongoing communication as Australia's response to COVID-19 evolves.
Emerald Christian College Athletics Commitment Program
Started in 2018 the Emerald Christian College Athletics Commitment Program was created to encourage Secondary Students wanting to improve on their athletic skills.
In 2019 the College extended the program to any student who was turning 10 or older (the start of Representative Sporting age).
The aim of the program is to encourage young athletes, who believe they have the potential and commitment, to make it to Emerald District Central Highland, Capricornia Region level or even State Titles.
To be part of this program the College requires a serious commitment to be made:
Expectations of participants are:
- Join Emerald Athletics (cost $150 per year, government assistance available to eligible Healthcare card holders) – this club has equipment, facilities, coaches, training and carnival opportunities.
- Attend Morning Fitness with Mr Furhmann on Friday mornings before school as much as possible.
- To uphold Emerald Christian College values, at all times when representing the program.
- Wear the appropriate uniform at representative events.
In return, to encourage and support this commitment the College offers:
- $50 voucher from Plaza Sports to go towards equipment required (given after 6 weeks Emerald Athletics attendance).
- Assistance in purchasing Emerald Athletics Club shirt with ECC embroidery – student’s price (purchased through the College) $20 – club price $30.
- Encouragement and support at Emerald Athletics Events – Mrs S is the Canteen Coordinator.
- Healthy breakfast provided after Morning Fitness by our wonderful Home Economics Department and volunteers.
- Support with Travel & Accommodation to attend events held outside of Emerald.
- Record of achievements supplied at the end of the year.
- Points towards Representative Sports Award tally for the year.
- Recognition at Representative Awards Night and in the running to become the Emerald Christian College Athletics Commitment Program Athlete of the year.
If you and your young athlete would like to step up and take on this offer please contact Mrs S on the form below.
Inter School Primary Sporting Opportunities
Currently there are 2 Inter School Primary Sporting Events held in the Central Highlands. In Term 2 Inter School Primary Touch Football takes place and in Term 4 Inter School Primary Netball. To have teams these competitions all schools need support from Parents to make this happen.
Is run in conjunction with Emerald District Sporting Schools and Emerald Touch Football Association, giving students from all over the Central Highlands the chance to learn and take part in Touch Football.
There are 2 competitions run over a 6 week period, the Primary Years 3-4 and the Primary Years 5-6, open to mixed teams.
Currently we run a team in each competition, in the 3-4 comp we have the ECC Titans and the ECC Broncos in the 5-6 comp. We have a fantastic school family (The Vines) that offer coaching and training.
Team shirts are supplied for the games and students need their own Touch Football boots and Mouth-guard.
Games take place after school at the Emerald Touch Football Association Fields located in the centre of the Emerald Racecourse on Hospital Road. Access to the fields are limited so please check before entering the grounds.
The Emerald District Sporting Schools and Emerald Netball Association come together to offer students a chance to play non-competitive Netball. This is a great introduction to Netball.
There are 2 competitions run over 4 weeks. For Girls only there is the Years 3-4 competition and the Years 5-6 competition is a mixed format. Our teams are, in 3-4 comp the ECC Unicorns and the 5-6 comp the ECC Shooting Stars. Currently we have another dedicated family coaching and training - helping to keep our teams in the competition, however we do need more parental support.
School Shirts, good footwear and a soft hat are required, bibs are supplied.
Games take place after school at the Emerald Netball Courts located at Rundle Park on Borilla Street.
Currently there are 2 Inter School Primary Sporting Events held in the Central Highlands. In Term 2 Inter School Primary Touch Football takes place and in Term 4 Inter School Primary Netball. To have teams these competitions all schools need support from Parents to make this happen.
Is run in conjunction with Emerald District Sporting Schools and Emerald Touch Football Association, giving students from all over the Central Highlands the chance to learn and take part in Touch Football.
There are 2 competitions run over a 6 week period, the Primary Years 3-4 and the Primary Years 5-6, open to mixed teams.
Currently we run a team in each competition, in the 3-4 comp we have the ECC Titans and the ECC Broncos in the 5-6 comp. We have a fantastic school family (The Vines) that offer coaching and training.
Team shirts are supplied for the games and students need their own Touch Football boots and Mouth-guard.
Games take place after school at the Emerald Touch Football Association Fields located in the centre of the Emerald Racecourse on Hospital Road. Access to the fields are limited so please check before entering the grounds.
The Emerald District Sporting Schools and Emerald Netball Association come together to offer students a chance to play non-competitive Netball. This is a great introduction to Netball.
There are 2 competitions run over 4 weeks. For Girls only there is the Years 3-4 competition and the Years 5-6 competition is a mixed format. Our teams are, in 3-4 comp the ECC Unicorns and the 5-6 comp the ECC Shooting Stars. Currently we have another dedicated family coaching and training - helping to keep our teams in the competition, however we do need more parental support.
School Shirts, good footwear and a soft hat are required, bibs are supplied.
Games take place after school at the Emerald Netball Courts located at Rundle Park on Borilla Street.